
Can Parenting Style Cause OCD?

Can Parenting Style Cause OCD?

Parenting is hard. Without training, you’re suddenly a chef, cleaner, maid, teacher, chauffeur, nanny, mentor, event planner, bank, friend, nurse, therapist and/or coach. That’s a lot of responsibility, and with responsibility comes the little voice in your head that says you could be screwing things up. Worry and fear are two emotions commonly experienced by…

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1180 700 OCD Clinic Brisbane
Shame: OCD’s Best Friend

Shame: OCD’s Best Friend

Shame. That heavy pit of nausea in your stomach. The hot flush of humiliation and embarrassment on your face. The urge to withdraw and hide, to get out of there no matter what, and to become as small as possible. The self-critical voice that says, “I’m a bad person”, and won’t stop replaying the shameful…

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1180 700 OCD Clinic Brisbane
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