The OCD Workbook
For Adults with OCD
OCD therapists Dr Emily O’Leary and Dr Daphne Bryan have developed a workbook for adults with OCD (18+). Emily and Daphne have been working together at the OCD Clinic for many years. Collectively, they provide supervision, training, and research in this area nationally and internationally.
Dr Emily O’Leary and Dr Daphne Bryan from the ODC Clinic Brisbane have developed a workbook for adults with OCD. You will receive your own digital copy in addition to 11 training videos which can be worked through at your own pace.
The workbook includes:
- How to assess and diagnose OCD accurately, and why it matters
- How to formulate using the cognitive appraisal model
- How to start to tackle “stuckness” and rigidity.
- What techniques may be most helpful when.
- Traditional and Modern Exposure practices
How can I use the workbook?
The workbook will be delivered electronically following payment. You will receive 11 sessions and 11 pre-recording instructional videos explaining how to use the workbook with your clients.
You have permission to use this workbook with your clients and for your own personal use (refer terms and conditions).
The workbook equates to a total of 8 active CPD points
How to pay:
- Scan the QR code below or Click Here.
- When in PayPal, enter our email address ( in the “Name, @username, email or mobile” field.
- Send $420 plus GST (total of $462.00) with your name and the words “OCD Workbook” in the “What is this payment for” field.
Then email us at to advise payment. Your training videos and sessions will be sent within 24 hours.
All materials provided in this offer, are protected by copyright laws and are only to be used for the individual practice (solo or group) that is making the purchase.DISCLAIMER
OCD Clinic Brisbane provide training and recommendations based on their knowledge and experience within the Australian psychology and health industry and as an independent business and business owner and hence any documents provided does NOT constitute legal and or financial advice.The clinicians at the OCD Clinic are available for short, long term or adhoc supervision around all Obsessive-Compulsive Related Disorders.
STAP Approved
Dr Daphne Bryan
Dr Katie ThompsonNon-STAP Approved
Dr Emily O’Leary
Zoe QuickThis workshop can be customized or delivered in conjunction with the OCD Workbook.
OCD is associated with significant impairment in functioning, quality of life and disability. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment may improve outcomes. Despite OCD being a common mental illness, most seek treatment after several years of struggling. Many individuals who experience OCD tend to be secretive about their symptoms due to shame and embarrassment. Less than a third of people with OCD receive appropriate pharmacotherapy and even less receive evidence-based psychotherapy. This workshop will provide one avenue to provide an evidenced based program your clients can work through with you.
This workshop will outline an evidenced based program your clients can work through with you. Teaching modalities will include case studies and group work. A range of contemporary ACT strategies will be demonstrated, and participants will have the opportunity to raise examples from their own practice. In addition to workshop slides, participants will be supplied electronic copies of the client workbook for use in clinical practice.
Learning Objectives
The cognitive model underlying the processes that contribute to the onset and maintenance of OCD (based on research evidence), as well as the implications for treatment.Develop
A case formulation for individual clients who meet criteria for OCD diagnosis, including the factors that contribute to the maintenance of OCD for these clients.Differentiate
Between “content” and “process” of OCD relevant cognitions through your own “toolbox” using more contemporary ACT techniques.Utilise
A range of behavioural experiments and exposure protocols to get more “bang for your buck” with exposure work.Greater
Confidence as a therapist in delivering treatment to adults with OCD by avoiding falling into the pitfalls of circular arguments and covert reassurance.COPYRIGHT
All materials provided in this offer, are protected by copyright laws and are only to be used for the individual practice (solo or group) that is making the purchase.DISCLAIMER
OCD Clinic Brisbane provide training and recommendations based on their knowledge and experience within the Australian psychology and health industry and as an independent business and business owner and hence any documents provided does NOT constitute legal and or financial advice.OCD Clinic provides evidenced-based treatments for a range of psychological issues. As such, a big part of our confidence in providing this service is knowing the strong research that underpins our treatment approaches and the expected benefits. We have a Research Group that spans our four treatment clinics and works together to track the effectiveness of our treatments through client outcomes, finding ways in which we can improve our service delivery. Through gathering this growing body of research, we can better understand how we as mental health professionals can ensure the highest quality of care is provided to the people who rely on us and need it most.
Our current reset art has projects include:Virtual Reality Therapy for Anxiety Disorders
We welcome opportunities to collaborate with other practices, clinicians, and universities seeking to understand the psychology profession and how we can continue to attend to the mental health needs of our community. If you want to work with our Research Work Group, please contact Dr Emily O’Leary, on to discuss this further.